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为了实现这一需求,我们有两种解决方案,一是传统的处理方法,即使用EXISTS谓词,更新和新增分开处理的方式。另一种是使用MERGE语句(SQL Server 2008中新增的功能)。为了演示这一功能,首先我们需要准备测试数据,我们在tempdb临时数据库中新建两个表,源表Customers和目标表CustomersStage,然后向这两个表中插入测试数据,如下代码。
USE tempdb;GO-- 合并数据-- 对于源表A,目标表B,如果A中存在B中不存在则插入记录,如果A中存在B中也存在则更新记录,如果A中不存在B中存在则删除记录。-- 准备测试数据IF OBJECT_ID('dbo.Customers','U') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE dbo.Customers;GOCREATE TABLE dbo.Customers( custid INT NOT NULL, companyname NVARCHAR(30) NOT NULL, phone VARCHAR(30) NOT NULL, ADDRESS NVARCHAR(50) NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT PK_Customers PRIMARY KEY(custid) );INSERT INTO dbo.Customers ( custid, companyname, phone, ADDRESS )VALUES (1,N'cust 1','(111)111-111',N'address 1'), (2,N'cust 2','(222)222-222',N'address 2'), (3,N'cust 3','(333)333-333',N'address 3'), (4,N'cust 4','(444)444-444',N'address 4'), (5,N'cust 5','(555)555-555',N'address 5'); IF OBJECT_ID('dbo.CustomersStage','U') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE dbo.CustomersStage;GOCREATE TABLE dbo.CustomersStage( custid INT NOT NULL, companyname NVARCHAR(30) NOT NULL, phone VARCHAR(30) NOT NULL, ADDRESS NVARCHAR(50) NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT PK_CustomersStage PRIMARY KEY(custid) );INSERT INTO dbo.CustomersStage ( custid, companyname, phone, ADDRESS )VALUES (2,N'AAAAA','(222)222-222',N'address 2'), (3,N'cust 3','(333)333-333',N'address 3'), (5,N'BBBBB','CCCCC',N'DDDDD'), (6,N'cust 6(new)','(666)666-666',N'address 6'), (7,N'cust 7(new)','(777)777-777',N'address 7');
SELECT * FROM dbo.Customers;SELECT * FROM dbo.CustomersStage;
-- 方法二:使用临时表和EXISTS谓词-- 将源表的主键custid插入到临时表中BEGIN TRAN;IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb.dbo.#CustomersStage','U') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE dbo.#CustomersStage;GOSELECT custid INTO #CustomersStage FROM dbo.CustomersStage;DECLARE @custid INT;WHILE EXISTS (SELECT * FROM #CustomersStage)BEGIN SET @custid= (SELECT TOP 1 custid FROM #CustomersStage ORDER BY custid ASC); -- 方法1,if row exists update,otherwise insert IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM dbo.Customers WHERE custid= @custid) BEGIN -- 更新 UPDATE customers SET companyname= customersStage.companyname,phone= customersStage.phone,ADDRESS= customersStage.ADDRESS FROM dbo.Customers AS customers LEFT JOIN dbo.CustomersStage AS customersStage ON customers.custid = customersStage.custid WHERE customersStage.custid= @custid; END ELSE BEGIN -- 插入 INSERT INTO dbo.Customers ( custid, companyname, phone, ADDRESS ) SELECT custid, companyname,phone,ADDRESS FROM dbo.CustomersStage WHERE custid=@custid; END -- 方法2,update,if @@ROWCOUNT=0 then insert --UPDATE customers SET companyname= customersStage.companyname,phone= customersStage.phone,ADDRESS= customersStage.ADDRESS --FROM dbo.Customers AS customers --LEFT JOIN dbo.CustomersStage AS customersStage ON customers.custid = customersStage.custid --WHERE customersStage.custid= @custid; --IF @@ROWCOUNT=0 --BEGIN -- -- 插入 -- INSERT INTO dbo.Customers -- ( custid, companyname, phone, ADDRESS ) -- SELECT custid, companyname,phone,ADDRESS FROM dbo.CustomersStage -- WHERE custid=@custid; --END DELETE #CustomersStage WHERE custid= @custid;ENDGO-- 从目标表中删除在源表中不存在的行IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb.dbo.#Customers','U') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE dbo.#Customers;GOSELECT custidINTO #CustomersFROM dbo.Customers;DECLARE @custidTGT INT;WHILE EXISTS (SELECT * FROM #Customers)BEGIN SET @custidTGT= (SELECT TOP 1 custid FROM #Customers ORDER BY custid ASC); IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM dbo.CustomersStage WHERE custid= @custidTGT) BEGIN DELETE FROM dbo.Customers WHERE custid= @custidTGT; END DELETE #Customers WHERE custid= @custidTGT;ENDGOSELECT * FROM dbo.Customers;ROLLBACK TRAN;
-- 方法一:使用MERGE语句BEGIN TRAN;MERGE INTO dbo.Customers AS tgtUSING dbo.CustomersStage AS src ON tgt.custid=src.custidWHEN MATCHED AND ( (tgt.companyname<>src.companyname OR (tgt.companyname IS NOT NULL AND src.companyname IS NULL) OR (tgt.companyname IS NULL AND src.companyname IS NOT NULL)) OR (tgt.phone<>src.phone OR (tgt.phone IS NOT NULL AND src.phone IS NULL) OR (tgt.phone IS NULL AND src.phone IS NOT NULL)) OR (tgt.ADDRESS<>src.ADDRESS OR (tgt.ADDRESS IS NOT NULL AND src.ADDRESS IS NULL) OR (tgt.ADDRESS IS NULL AND src.ADDRESS IS NOT NULL)) ) THEN UPDATE SET tgt.companyname= src.companyname, tgt.phone= src.phone, tgt.ADDRESS= src.ADDRESSWHEN NOT MATCHED THEN INSERT (custid,companyname,phone,ADDRESS) VALUES (src.custid,src.companyname,src.phone,src.ADDRESS)WHEN NOT MATCHED BY SOURCE THEN DELETE; SELECT * FROM dbo.Customers;ROLLBACK TRAN;
USE tempdb;GO-- 合并数据-- 对于源表A,目标表B,如果A中存在B中不存在则插入记录,如果A中存在B中也存在则更新记录,如果A中不存在B中存在则删除记录。-- 准备测试数据IF OBJECT_ID('dbo.Customers','U') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE dbo.Customers;GOCREATE TABLE dbo.Customers( custid INT NOT NULL, companyname NVARCHAR(30) NOT NULL, phone VARCHAR(30) NOT NULL, ADDRESS NVARCHAR(50) NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT PK_Customers PRIMARY KEY(custid) );INSERT INTO dbo.Customers ( custid, companyname, phone, ADDRESS )VALUES (1,N'cust 1','(111)111-111',N'address 1'), (2,N'cust 2','(222)222-222',N'address 2'), (3,N'cust 3','(333)333-333',N'address 3'), (4,N'cust 4','(444)444-444',N'address 4'), (5,N'cust 5','(555)555-555',N'address 5'); IF OBJECT_ID('dbo.CustomersStage','U') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE dbo.CustomersStage;GOCREATE TABLE dbo.CustomersStage( custid INT NOT NULL, companyname NVARCHAR(30) NOT NULL, phone VARCHAR(30) NOT NULL, ADDRESS NVARCHAR(50) NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT PK_CustomersStage PRIMARY KEY(custid) );INSERT INTO dbo.CustomersStage ( custid, companyname, phone, ADDRESS )VALUES (2,N'AAAAA','(222)222-222',N'address 2'), (3,N'cust 3','(333)333-333',N'address 3'), (5,N'BBBBB','CCCCC',N'DDDDD'), (6,N'cust 6(new)','(666)666-666',N'address 6'), (7,N'cust 7(new)','(777)777-777',N'address 7'); -- 方法一:使用MERGE语句BEGIN TRAN;MERGE INTO dbo.Customers AS tgtUSING dbo.CustomersStage AS src ON tgt.custid=src.custidWHEN MATCHED AND ( (tgt.companyname<>src.companyname OR (tgt.companyname IS NOT NULL AND src.companyname IS NULL) OR (tgt.companyname IS NULL AND src.companyname IS NOT NULL)) OR (tgt.phone<>src.phone OR (tgt.phone IS NOT NULL AND src.phone IS NULL) OR (tgt.phone IS NULL AND src.phone IS NOT NULL)) OR (tgt.ADDRESS<>src.ADDRESS OR (tgt.ADDRESS IS NOT NULL AND src.ADDRESS IS NULL) OR (tgt.ADDRESS IS NULL AND src.ADDRESS IS NOT NULL)) ) THEN UPDATE SET tgt.companyname= src.companyname, tgt.phone= src.phone, tgt.ADDRESS= src.ADDRESSWHEN NOT MATCHED THEN INSERT (custid,companyname,phone,ADDRESS) VALUES (src.custid,src.companyname,src.phone,src.ADDRESS)WHEN NOT MATCHED BY SOURCE THEN DELETE; SELECT * FROM dbo.Customers;ROLLBACK TRAN;-- 方法二:使用临时表和EXISTS谓词-- 将源表的主键custid插入到临时表中BEGIN TRAN;IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb.dbo.#CustomersStage','U') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE dbo.#CustomersStage;GOSELECT custid INTO #CustomersStage FROM dbo.CustomersStage;DECLARE @custid INT;WHILE EXISTS (SELECT * FROM #CustomersStage)BEGIN SET @custid= (SELECT TOP 1 custid FROM #CustomersStage ORDER BY custid ASC); -- 方法1,if row exists update,otherwise insert IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM dbo.Customers WHERE custid= @custid) BEGIN -- 更新 UPDATE customers SET companyname= customersStage.companyname,phone= customersStage.phone,ADDRESS= customersStage.ADDRESS FROM dbo.Customers AS customers LEFT JOIN dbo.CustomersStage AS customersStage ON customers.custid = customersStage.custid WHERE customersStage.custid= @custid; END ELSE BEGIN -- 插入 INSERT INTO dbo.Customers ( custid, companyname, phone, ADDRESS ) SELECT custid, companyname,phone,ADDRESS FROM dbo.CustomersStage WHERE custid=@custid; END -- 方法2,update,if @@ROWCOUNT=0 then insert --UPDATE customers SET companyname= customersStage.companyname,phone= customersStage.phone,ADDRESS= customersStage.ADDRESS --FROM dbo.Customers AS customers --LEFT JOIN dbo.CustomersStage AS customersStage ON customers.custid = customersStage.custid --WHERE customersStage.custid= @custid; --IF @@ROWCOUNT=0 --BEGIN -- -- 插入 -- INSERT INTO dbo.Customers -- ( custid, companyname, phone, ADDRESS ) -- SELECT custid, companyname,phone,ADDRESS FROM dbo.CustomersStage -- WHERE custid=@custid; --END DELETE #CustomersStage WHERE custid= @custid;ENDGO-- 从目标表中删除在源表中不存在的行IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb.dbo.#Customers','U') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE dbo.#Customers;GOSELECT custidINTO #CustomersFROM dbo.Customers;DECLARE @custidTGT INT;WHILE EXISTS (SELECT * FROM #Customers)BEGIN SET @custidTGT= (SELECT TOP 1 custid FROM #Customers ORDER BY custid ASC); IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM dbo.CustomersStage WHERE custid= @custidTGT) BEGIN DELETE FROM dbo.Customers WHERE custid= @custidTGT; END DELETE #Customers WHERE custid= @custidTGT;ENDGOSELECT * FROM dbo.Customers;ROLLBACK TRAN;
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